Craig John
3D Artist & Interactive Web Designer
3D and coding work created for classes at Penn State
Unreal Engine
Burdens of Betula
HTML | CSS | JavaScript
Chasing Trains
Blender | Premiere Pro
Blender | Photoshop
Blender | Premiere Pro
Blender | Photoshop | InDesign
Craig John is a recent graduate of the Pennsylvania State University with a B. Des in Digital Art and Media Design. As a digital artist, he specializes in computer-generated projects, including animations, games and online web experiences. Proficient in various 3D tools such as Autodesk Maya and coding languages like JavaScript, and Python, Craig brings his creations to life through stylistic landscapes and interactive designs. Through his work, Craig speaks on a multitude of topics including mental health and environmentalism. Looking ahead, he aims to combine his skills as a 3D artist and programmer through Technical Art while also creating captivating and immersive online experiences.